General Rules

Playing Field

Pitching Rubber

Distance from the pitcher’s rubber to the back tip of home plate will be the following distances:

7U and 8U = 43 ft

9U and 10U = 46 ft*

11U and 12U = 50 ft*

13U = 54 ft

14U and 15U = 60 ft

*9U through 12U will use a portable pitcher’s mound

Base Distance

Base distance for each age division will be as follows:

7U, 8U, 9U = 60 ft

10U = 65 ft

11U and 12U = 70 ft

13U = 80 ft

14U and15U = 90 ft

Batter's Box

A rectangular batter’s box will be installed on each field.

12U and under - 3’ x 6’ box

13U and up -  4' x 6’ batter’s box.

Game Balls

Each team must supply one (1) game ball to the home plate umpire per game.

7U through 12U divisions use Little League approved game balls.

13U through 15U divisions can use either PONY/NFHS high school approved game balls.

Additional balls will be supplied by McKeesport Baseball Tournaments.

Length of Game

Please help to keep the pace of the game moving by having catchers ready, help to warm up pitchers, on deck batters ready, etc.

Game Start Times

Teams must be ready to play 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time, as games may begin early. Start times may be adjusted by the tournament director as play allows.

Forfeit Rules

Forfeit time for games will be 15 minutes after the scheduled start time.

Forfeited games will be scored 7-0.

Any team that forfeits a pool play game will automatically be REMOVED from the elimination bracket on Championship Sunday.

No New Inning

No inning will begin after the stated mark (see division-specific rules below) has been reached, however any inning started prior to the stated limit MUST be finished, unless stopped by the umpire(s) due to weather or other unforeseen circumstance. The only exception: games that reach the 1:40 time with the HOME team winning AND batting. At that time, the game will be stopped and the score at the time of the stoppage will be the final score.

All 7U and 8U games will be six (6) innings. No new inning after seventy five (75) minutes.

All 9U through 12U games will be six (6) innings. No new inning after one hour-forty (1:40) minutes.

All 13U through 15U games will be seven (7) innings. No new inning after one No new inning after one hour-forty (1:40) minutes.


Tied Games

Pool Play

Games tied after 6 or more innings (7 or more innings 13U+) in pool play which have reached the time limit will be considered a TIE.

Elimination Play

Elimination games tied upon completion of a regulation game will enter into extra innings and continue under normal baseball rules.

"Legal Game" Definitions

Three innings will constitute a legal game. Two and one half innings shall constitute a legal game if the home team is ahead. A legal game that is tied is a complete game and will not be rescheduled in pool play. In a legal game, if the game is called by the umpire before the end of a complete inning, the game score will revert back to the last completed inning.

Any elimination game stopped due to weather prior to becoming a legal game will be resumed at the exact point where the game was suspended. Pool Play games will be at the discretion of the tournament director.

Mercy Rule

15 after 3 innings; 10 after 4 innings; 8 after 5 innings

Score Reporting

Each manager should report the score to the concession stand/tournament official immediately after the game. Once scores are posted to Tourney Machine and elimination brackets are posted, scores will NOT be adjusted. It is each manager’s responsibility to check their posted scores and report any discrepancies immediately to the tournament director.


Playing Rules

Leading and/or Stealing

7U and 8U

No leading and/or stealing


Stealing home is NOT permitted, unless the pitcher, catcher, or other fielder makes a play to put out the runner, in which case the runner may legally advance.

9U and 10U - 


Stealing is permitted once the ball has crossed home plate. 

There will be one team warning for runners leaving the base prior to the ball crossing the plate in which the runner(s) will return to their original base.

The second team offense will result in the runner being called out. In the event of a runner leaving early on a hit, the runner that left early can only advance the amount of bases deemed the award of the hit.


Runner on 1st leaves early, batter hits a clean double. Runner from first can only advance to 3rd on the play. If this is the 2nd team offense, the offending runner will be called out regardless of the result of the play. If this is the 3rd out of the inning, the play will become dead, the offending runner will be called out, and no runs will score. 

Only exception to this rule is on a CLEAN HOME RUN -  no out will be called and we will NOT take a home run away from a player.

11U and 12U

Leading and Stealing are permitted at any time.

Only exception is there are NO DIRECT STEALS OF HOME. Players are not permitted to break towards the plate until after the ball has crossed the plate. Primary and secondary leads are legal, but a player cannot put their head down and break to the plate until the ball crosses. Violations will be an automatic out.


This is a safety rule to prevent serious injury on a 70ft base field.

Consider this to be the only warning.

13U, 14U, and 15U

No restrictions.

Infield Fly

7U and 8U - No Infield Fly Rule

9U through 15U - Infield Fly Rule is in effect

Drop 3rd Strike

9u and 10U - No Drop 3rd Strike

11u through 15U - Drop 3rd Strike is in effect

Suicide Squeeze, Slug Bunts

9U through 12U

No Suicide Squeeze/No Slug Bunts. Any player who shows bunt and the swings will result in a DEAD BALL OUT.

Head-First Sliding

No head first sliding in 7U through 10U Divisions. Runners are only able to dive head first returning back to a base. Violations will result in a DEAD BALL OUT.

Cheap Home

9U through 12U

No Cheap Home. Play is dead if a pitch ball passes through the backstop or becomes lodged in the backstop. Runners advance one base, to which they were advancing, EXCEPT HOME. NO CHEAP HOME.

13U through 15U

PIAA/NFHS Rules apply. All runners advance one base, including home.

Slide and Contact

Runners MUST avoid contact either by sliding or other means to avoid dangerous collisions.*

*If, in the umpire’s judgement, a runner intentionally runs into a fielder to avoid a tag, or to jar the ball loose, the runner will be called out, and possibly ejected, upon severity of the infraction.


Requesting Time Out

The Ball is live at all times - players/coaches must ask for and be granted “Time” by the umpire. Coaches must remain in the dugout area until time is granted.**

Bat Throwing

Throwing the bat will result in a TEAM WARNING with the second offense resulting in an out.

On-Deck Batters

On-Deck Batters are NOT permitted on the field of play at any age level. On-deck batters must remain in their team’s dugout area.

Age-Specific Rules

7U and 8U

Seven Pitch Maximum

There is a seven (7) pitch maximum for each batter, or 3 strikes, whichever comes first. If the player fouls off the 7th pitch, the player will continue the at-bat until the next passed ball or strike.

Base Running and Advancing

Any ball that does not leave the infield is dead once a play is made on a runner(s) or all runners advance to the next base safely. There is NO advancement on overthrows for any ball that does not leave the infield. Runners can only advance to the next base from which they legally possessed at the time of the hit.

On balls hit to the outfield, play is considered dead when a player has possession of the ball while in the infield.*

*However, this can be a DELAYED DEAD BALL situation if runners are not occupying a base at the time when infield possession occurs. This means the runner(s) at the time of infield possession can either advance to the next base, or return to the previous base, both at their own risk.


Live Play vs Dead Play

Defensive teams can put out a runner that is off of a base at the time of infield possession, however no further play can be made once runners are put out or reach base safely, regardless of over-throws or any other result of the play.

No Bunting or Slash Bunting

Penalty is a DEAD BALL OUT

Pitching Rules

Adult pitcher is required to keep one foot on or behind the pitching line, designated at 43 feet. The defensive team’s pitcher is required to have one foot minimum inside the pitching circle at the time of the pitch. If the adult pitcher is hit by a struck ball, play is declared DEAD. The pitch does not count and runners return to their original base.

No Courtesy Runners

No courtesy Runners in 7U/8U divisions. Every young player enjoys running the bases, including catchers. Coaches should assist the catcher in between innings for speed of the game.

Run Rules

7U, 8U, and 9U

There is a 5-run rule per inning, with continuation. This means play will continue until declared dead by the umpire. Therefore, the maximum number of runs an offensive team can score during an inning is 8. Unlimited runs in the 6th inning or extra innings.

Pitching Rules

9U - 2 innings per game

10U - 3 innings per game

11U - 4 innings per game

12U - 4 innings per game

13U - 5 innings per game

14U - 5 innings per game

15U - no restrictions

There are no other pitching restrictions, however we strongly suggest all teams/coaches follow MLB Pitch Smart Guidelines to protect their player’s arm & health.

UMPIRES reserve the right to have a pitcher removed if, in their judgement, the pitcher appears to be in any distress, pain, or discomfort.

This is a player safety issue and cannot be argued or questioned.


Intentional Pitch to Hit Batter

Any pitcher, by the umpire’s judgment, who intentionally throws at a batter, will be ejected.

The head coach will also be ejected, and both will be suspended the next scheduled game for that team.

Intentional Walks

Intentional Walks are permitted in all age divisions (excluding 7U/8U). Requests can be made to the home plate umpire at any time during an at bat.

Play remains LIVE during an intentional walk.

Mound Visits

NFHS Rules apply. Teams are allowed four (4) mound visits per game.

One additional mound visit per extra inning played is allowed. After allotted visits, the pitcher must be changed upon each subsequent visit. In addition, only one visit per pitcher is allowed. Upon the 2nd visit in an inning to the same pitcher, the pitcher must be removed.Generally, a “visit” is considered as a manager or coach coming onto the field of play, however, ultimately will be the UMPIRE’S JUDGEMENT.

Generally, a “visit” is considered as a manager or coach coming onto the field of play, however, ultimately will be the UMPIRE’S JUDGEMENT.


9U - no balks

10U - no balks

11U - one (1) team warning*

12U - one (1) team warning*

13U - no warnings**

14U - no warnings**

15U - no warnings**

*The warning is a DEAD BALL warning and any runners on base return to their original base with no advancement.

**Remember NFHS Balks are DEAD BALL BALKS

Equipment Rules

Team Uniforms

Players and teams must be in full matching uniforms at all times.

If inclement weather is a problem, the uniform jersey must be worn outside of all other clothing.

“Call-up” players may wear a different jersey, if necessary.

Pitcher's Accessories

Pitcher’s are not allowed to wear any wristbands, jewelry, batting gloves, or anything else deemed to be a potential distraction to the batter including white or grey undergarments.

NOCSAE Requirements

All Batting Helmets and Catchers gear must meet NOCSAE requirements. Catchers are required to wear one-piece hockey style masks.


No metal spikes, only molded cleats permitted for 7U through 12U

Metal spikes permitted for 13U through 15U

Bat Requirements

7U through 13U

All Bats -5 or greater must be stamped BPF 1.15 USSSA or USA Baseball. No restrictions on bat size or length as long as it has “BPF 1.15” stamped on it.

13U division may also use BBCOR -3 marked bats.

14U and 15U

All bats may be marked with the BBCOR – 3 marking.


List of prohibited bats in separate information tab.

Prohibited Bats

Due to safety concerns, the following bats are prohibited in ALL age divisions:

  • DeMarini 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) (29/21, 30/22, 31/23, 32/24)
  • DeMarini 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4; (-10) (28/18, 29/19, 30/20, 31/21, 32/22)
  • DeMarini 2017 CF Zen Zero Dark 2 3/4; (-10) (29/19, 30/20)
  • DeMarini Custom 2017 CF Zen 2 3/4; (-10)
  • DeMarini Custom 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8)
  • Dirty South Kamo BB KA (-8) (30/22, 31/21, 32/22, 31/23, 32/24 only)
  • Easton Ghost X (30/20 only)
  • Marucci Cat5 MCB2 33/30 BBCOR
  • Nike BT0636 CX2
  • 2023 Easton Hype Fire 2 3/4 (-5)
  • 2024 Easton Hype Fire 2 3/4 (-5)


Illegal Bat Penalty

The defensive team must ask the plate umpire to check the bat in question prior to the next pitch being thrown to the next batter. If the bat is found to be illegal, the batter is declared out and all runners return to their original bases.

Head coach will receive a team warning and be restricted to the bench for the remainder of the game.

2nd offense in a game will result in the head coach being ejected.

Player, Coach, and Spectator Conduct Expectations

⚠️ Alcohol and Illicit Substances are PROHIBITED at EVERY MBT event. ⚠️

Any coach, parent, or spectator found to be in possession of alcohol or other illicit substances in Renziehausen Park at any MBT event will be expected to leave the property for the duration of the tournament.

This includes, but is not limited to, fields, dugouts, bleachers, seating areas, parking lots, pavilions, etc. 

Violations can also result in team expulsion from the tournament. 


Expectations of Players, Coaches, and Spectators

Please remember - this is a youth baseball tournament. At times there may be a call or calls that do not go the way one would like. That is part of the game at any age level.

Excessive questioning/arguing will not be tolerated.

Managers should encourage good sportsmanship throughout the tournament by all players, coaches, parents, and spectators. Team managers are responsible for their team’s conduct.

Any parent, coach, or spectator ejection requires that person to leave the property and completely out of sight of the game prior to the game continuing.  Tournament director/tournament officials will contact the McKeesport Police for any individual who does not leave the premises in a timely manner and will also be subject to defiant trespassing charges at that point.  The offending team will also be forced to forfeit the game. 

Any COACH, PARENT, OR SPECTATOR EJECTION also requires that person to be completely off the property and out of sight for any additional games played by the offending team that day. Coaches/parents/spectators must serve a minimum a one (1) game suspension, in which the offending party is not permitted to be on site or have any involvement in the game. Additional penalty, up to and including tournament expulsion, is at the tournament director’s discretion. 

Any PLAYER EJECTION from a game will be unable to play in the next scheduled game for that team. Any player that is suspended from a game MUST remain outside of the dugout area for the entirety of the game and have absolutely NO involvement in that game. Violation will result in a Game Forfeiture and team removal from the tournament. 

Player and Spectator Boundaries

Managers, coaches, players, and spectators must be kept from behind the backstop area on all fields.

Sportsmanship shall be stressed by all adults, including managers, coaches, umpires, parents, and spectators.

Both teams shall line up for the customary handshake line following the completion of each game.

Parents are NOT permitted in the dugout area. Please limit coaching staff to no more than five (5) adults.


All 9U & 10U pool play games will have one umpire assigned, with elimination games having two umpires. All other divisions will have two umpires assigned for both pool play and elimination games.

All judgement calls are final. There will be NO questioning or protesting of judgement calls. Any manager wishing to appeal a play to another umpire must do so properly by asking the initial umpire who made the call to grant the appeal. Appeals are at the discretion of the umpire.

The team Manager is the only person allowed to ask for an explanation of a call.

There are NO PROTESTS that will be acknowledged in any MBT tournament. If there is a rule-related question, the tournament director should be contacted immediately prior to play continuing, in which case clarification will be made.